Monday, October 1, 2012

Management: What it meant

There is a thin line that separates a Leader from a Boss. If you would ask me  my own version of 'comparison and contrast' between the two, then this would be it:

A Leader might be described as your father while a Boss could be your menopausal high school  Principal.

You see, a leader gives the follower a freedom to act on his own depending on the orders given to him. Based on initiative, the follower would finish the task more easily than the employee who collapsed after his Boss fired him for an unfinished mandatory work!

When you are dealing with a leader, most probably you are in a peaceful and friendly environment. Your thoughts, opinions, and values are counted by your leader and he would definitely treat those things as of his greatest concern. Unlike a boss, he listen only to what he wants to hear. He is the center of everything and all of the people working under him have nothing to say but yes. Yes Sir!

According to Peter Drucker, managers have the power and responsibility to make decisions to manage the enterprise. So in other words, managers decide while his employees agree to his decision.

If I were to choose between being a manager or a leader, I would definitely pick 'being the leader'. Why? because i am already a leader.


  1. As what you have typed in there, i must agree to call the Boss as your MENOPAUSAL highshool principal. It could be also they're the frustrated follower in the universe.

  2. Leaders are always happy to work with. They give you a calm yet still a good learning environment. Your skills will also be molded and utilized without any pressure, hence it will give good outcomes. Whereas with managers? Stress is always attached to you.
